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New 42nd Street Studios invites all past and present occupants to share your memories and experiences of your time spent working in the building — from a shared elevator ride with a Broadway legend to your favorite part of rehearsing or performing here.

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15 messages:

Unknown said...

Katherine Freedman and Brian Beirne met while working at the New 42nd Street Studios. They started working there while the building was still under construction. Subsequently they married and now have four children.

Alma said...

Happy 10th Anniversary New 42nd Street Studios building!!!! The photo to the right was taken on the Opening Day. It's hard to see, but David Parsons and the Parsons Dance Company are seen in this picture harnassed to the facade and waving flags. Wagner's Ride of the Valkyrie was being broadcast as they opened the doors of the building. Am I missing anything Brian?

Anonymous said...

Happy 10th Anniversary to the home of so many dreams becoming real. From the grateful folks who worked on that little Vonnegut musical.

Katherine said...

The facade lighting was designed by Anne Militello. The event (pictured at right) with the Parsons dancers performing on the facade was the first time the multi-cue light show was being illuminated for the public ... opening night was exuberantly entitled "The Big Turn-On"!

The building cornerstone reads "dedicated to the performing artists of the 20th and 21st centuries and to the spells they cast." The building opened at the turn of the century.

From the moment the New 42nd Street Studios opened, the phones rang off the hooks with two requests: rehearsal space for every type of show, and tickets to the unaffiliated Broadway hit "42nd Street" which was playing at the theater next door ("I asked the operator [or internet] for the phone number to 42nd Street, and this is the number I got!"). Sorry, ma'am, we just run a rehearsal building ...

During the course of the day on September 11, 2001, those of us who stayed at work in the Studios would periodically cross the street to watch the billboard TV screens reporting the horrifying news from downtown and the Pentagon. At one point, I was side by side watching with Sir Ian McKellan, who was on a break from Dance of Death rehearsals. It was surreal.

When the electricity failed during the Blackout of August 14, 2003, many companies continued to rehearse till the end of the day, using the natural light from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and opening some for air! The Studio building staff was not dismissed until all artists had left the building; the Facility Manager and Superintendent stayed overnight so they could be on hand the moment the power was restored -- the show must go on!! (They were famished by morning, having discovered of course that the vending machines in the Charley Bear Green Room are operated by electricity.) Unsung heroes.

Most of the celebrities who rehearsed in New 42nd Street Studios while I was there were exceedingly kind, modest and generous. Many insisted on wearing their ID tags (as if the lobby staff didn't recognize Wolverine or Gandalf!) and were concerned for the well-being of all company members. I will never forget getting a big kiss from John Ritter (who mistook me for someone else, alas, but then kissed me again when he realized his mistake!) or showing Denzel Washington a few places he could run lines, or meeting wonderful Helen Mirren (and promising her I would do my best to calibrate the air flow in her studio). It's a magical environment.

And, as noted, I did indeed meet and fall in love with my life partner there.

Happy birthday, New 42nd Street Studios!

Sheila Kay Davis said...

Well, well, as the first tenant in the building I was present for all of the above.

I remember vividly the days following 9/11, pictures were posted on every wall and lamp post of missing persons. Driving in past the victim's center on the WestSide Highway many would faint, sob etc crossing the street. A dear friend a Broadway vet lost her husband, I would see her soon rehearsing in New 42nd St. Studios for a new show. We thespians persevere, press on and live life with abundant joy, regardless of the pain that surrounds us...

I met Brian and Lisa Post before I met Katherine. Lisa and I had VERY SMALL children when the building opened..they are teens now. Brian and Katherine were very slick and on the "down low" with their romance hee- hee...
Children have been born ,we have also lost staff members in the building - it all completes our life circle.

New Professional Theatre has produced 25 readings 2 workshops and 2 full length productions at New 42nd St. Studios and the Duke Theatre. I am sincerely grateful to Cora Cahan and the Board of Directors.


Sheila Kay Davis - New Professional Theatre

Christy Havard said...

One of my most favorite memories while I was there....and I truly have so many... is the day Alma and I were sitting in our office and we received complaints of a "funny" cigarette smell coming from the 3rd floor... So Alma and I headed down to studio 3B where Gregory Hines and Savion Glover were rehearsing..We had little doubt what the odor was.... We knocked on the door and walked in to be greeted by a very happy and welcoming Gregory Hines. He walked over to us, we starting explaining that you couldn't smoke in the building when Gregory spotted by protruding belly. I was eight months pregnant with my son Tobias. Gregory put his hand on my belly and said..."its a baby" with a big smile. Needless to say neither Alma or I could be that mad... we simply stated that you couldn't smoke in the building again and said goodbye... we got out the door and had a good giggle... I want to say thank you to everyone who did or still does work at the New 42nd Street Studios for all the great times I had... and for all the people I still know

The Trocks said...

We love the studios: so light, airy, well equipped and clean. A beautifully run facility; what a great asset to New York City's cultural life.

Jane Comfort said...

Happy Birthday New 42nd Street Studios, our absolute favorites! We've created so many of our pieces there. When I walk into studio 3 or 4 or 9, I can see all the phrases that we made in that room ghost dancing together.

Jim Joseph said...

So many memories but I'm posting this one by popular demand...
I was the end of the day and I was hanging out in the lobby with Danita who was working the front desk. As I'm there with her, a guy walks out the door, nodding politely at Danita as he exits. Being the fan-boy I am, I go to her -- "That was Wolverine!" Yes Hugh Jackman, as he was wrapping up rehearsals for the workshop of The Boy From Oz.

About 10 minutes later, he comes back into the lobby holding a 13 year old girl in his arms. "Can I get some help here mate, I think she fainted". He was followed by 3 of her friedns. They were all in town from Washington state on a school trip and as they werecoming out of the Hello Kitty store, she felt faint (it was an unusally hot day in the city).

The old life guard in me kicked in and I told him that I worked at the building and we should take her upstairs to a rest room.

So I;m in the elevator with Hugh Jackma who's still holding this girl in his arms and 3 other girls and all I can say to myself is "I'm in the elevator with Wolverine! This is cool!"

We get to the 3rd floo, put a we t paper towel on her head and gave her some water. She seemed to come around, so Hugh says to me, "You're good?" and then leaves. Now all I can think is, "Wolverine's a deuche! He totally left me here!" The girl was ok, her teachers came to get her and Hugh never thanked me for helping him out. Its ok -- I still saw X-Men Origins!

Jennie said...

Happy 10th Anniversary, New 42! I started working in the Studio Administration office in 2002 and left in 2009. I really can't choose a favorite memory out of all the ones I have-but I will say one of my favorite jobs at New 42 was working with our NYSCA renters. And a very personal memory (which I can share since I no longer work here)-my first kiss with my first and last boyfriend occurred at 7:05pm on Saturday, November 19, 2005 at my desk in the admin office. It was very chaste, I swear. And quick. Because Ronald Gray walked in on us.

Shen Wei Dance Arts said...

Wishing New 42nd Street Studios a Happy Happy Birthday!!!

Ed said...

Happy Birthday New 42nd Street Studios I love you and The Duke on 42nd Street so much....

Before I worked for them I was a working Actor that never thought I would have a “Job” Job but they took me in and made me one of their own.

I will never forget:

Having a hot dog spit in my face at The Duke by a women and then having her daughter come out of the theater to tell me that this was her mother and that she had Alzheimer's and was very ill – the mother then looked at me with Hot Dog on me and began to cry and hug me and say how sorry she was. I walked them to the door and put them in a cab.

Having an emergency in the The Duke at the beginning of a show. After I got the house lights up and announced over the walkie what had happened the amount of Operations Staff that flew to my side – Not see what happened but to help was amazing. (Especially Katherine in her very pregnant state)

Knowing that Cassie was the right choice for the new House Manager when during the first show she worked she saw a patron struggling to read the Playbill. She started a conversation with him and learned that he was loosing his eye sight. She then went upstairs to the copy machine and enlarged the Playbill to a font that he could read and then went to the box office to move him closer to the stage. I would have never thought to do that.

For several days Baryshnikov and I would arrive at the building at the same time and take the same elevator together. We got to the point that we would always say good morning to each other and one day I stopped at the front desk to take a walkie back up to the 5th floor. In the elevator I clipped the walkie to my back pocket and during the ride someone spoke and their voice came through the walkie – Baryshnikov looked at me and said “I think your ass is talking”

The Stage Manager of Deuce asked if we could send our notary to their rehearsal room during lunch for Angela. When we got there Angela asked if we wanted to know what it was for and I told her she did not need to tell us but she was very proud that this notarized document would get her a senior discounted Metocard. The next day we returned so that Marian could get one as well. -amazing - So look for them on the subway.

Alma getting a panicked call from Jersey Boys needing space for the Broadway production – they had a rehearsal space that was not working out and needed a space starting ASAP. Under her direction operations magically moved people around to free up space, generated a contract – got it back, got their payment and insurance – made name tags for hundreds – and loaded them in all within 3 or 4 hours. The company was so grateful that they gave Alma and I tickets to the show and a special thank you in the Playbill that is there to this day.

I remember being a part of a team that took itself seriously but new how to have a good time. A team that was like a family – we did not always like each other but we always loved each other. A team that held the responsibility of creating a space that would make all who worked in it feel at home enough to open up and create work that will stand the test of time.

On the Monday of my last week I ran into Lillias White in the hall and struck up a conversation (very easy to do with her) I told her it was my last week and she talked about how much she would miss seeing me when she is in working. I thought that was very sweet – On my last day as I was walking out of the office I heard her asking the receptionist if I was still in. I came to the door and she gave me the biggest hug and wished me luck. She was in the middle of a run-through and left to come and say goodbye to me. Theater People are the best.

Finally who could ever forget HOT LUNCH!!!

Diana said...

I have so many memories of working at the Studio Building. I was hired as the receptionist on the 5th floor working with Brian Beirne and Katherine Freedman while the building was still under construction. Needless to say those days were stressful and hilarious. We had to scream into the elevator shaft so that the construction worker would come to our floor and get us. We first worked in an office on folding tables because what was to become our office still didn't have any walls. I really enjoyed working with Katherine and Brian. I learned so much from them. I had been and Usher at the New Vic, also, when it first opened and thanks to Jim Joseph who sent in my resume when he heard of the job opening, even though i later yelled at him about it, i was hired. Once that building was complete and we were in our office, we had some great times. We became a family. Katherine, Brian, Christy, etc. We all had some good laughs there.

The New 42 also allowed me to meet the man i'm bound to spend the rest of my life with, Ernest and who's my partner in raising our beautiful baby boy.

Congratulations, Studio Building and New 42. As i go through life i will always remember that Lisi and Jim gave me my very first job and that Katherine and Brian were not only my supervisors but more importantly, my friends. I take you all with me.

Kate Stopa said...

On my very first day working at the New 42nd Street Studios, I found myself ALONE in the elevator with none other than Chita Rivera. Not only that, but since she was preparing for a rehearsal of her show "Chita Rivera: A Dancer's Life," she had her leg stretched over her head! I knew then a lot of really special things would happen in that building for years to come. Congratulations on 10 years!

Jess W. Speaker, III said...

Its always fun rehearsing at New 42 because you never know who you will run into. Though I don't really get star struck I've always thought it was cool. Then I rehearsed there with folks like Gary Marshall, Paul Williams, Michael John LaChiusa, Bailey Hanks and Elaine Stritch. Suddenly I was the guy talking to the stars.

The team on the 5th floor was always very nice and helped me with any special situation with a kind attitude (I mean who breaks three piano strings in ONE WEEK?!?).

Thanks everyone! Happy Birthday New 42! Hope to see you soon!!!!

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